If you are looking for FACT management trainee exam previous year question papers, online exam questions, syllabus, answer keys and expected cut off marks 2017, frankly speaking you will not find the same in any of the websites. However this blog post updates the exam pattern, some of the questions asked and expected cut off based on the reviews and opinions from the candidates who appeared for FACT management trainee exam. FACT previous papers are not available outside the exam hall because the examination is online and FACT do not publish these questions in their website. Previously the examination was offline and even after the offline exam candidate was supposed to return the question paper. So,the only way you can get the questions and model of examination is from the opinion of candidates who are already appeared for the exam. Some of the asked questions and expected cut off of 2017 FACT management trainee mechanical paper will be posted in this page latest by 11.04.17 for the online examination conducting on 09.04.2017. Bookmark this page for the updates.
Pattern of FACT Management Trainee Online Exam conducted on 09.10.2016
Duration of test - 120 mins
No. of questions - 200
Type of questions - Mechanical Engineering, Quantitative Aptitude, English, GK & Current Affairs
Maximum weightage among questions - Mechanical Engineering
Note: This may not guarantee the pattern for the upcoming exams, as FACT used to change the exam pattern.
Syllabus for FACT Management Trainee Exam
1. Mechanical Engineering - Numerical + Theory Questions
2. Quantitative Aptitude - Try to solve questions from Quantitative Aptitude by R S Agarwal
3. General English - Try to solve questions from General English by R S Agarwal
4. GK & Current Affairs
FACT Management Trainee Selection Procedure
1. Written Test
2. Group Discussion
3. Interview